Dynamic Stretches For Runners

Dynamic stretches for runners are best suited before a run or a race.  Dynamic stretches make the body flexible and more efficient, increase the range of motion, less injury-prone, and recover more quickly.

Below is a video from Runner’s World showing dynamic stretches for runners.  Dynamic stretches are composed of “controlled movements to improve range of motion and loosen up muscles.”

But before doing these dynamic stretches for runners, read on a few stretching tips below.

Dynamic Stretches for Runners

Stretching Tips for Runners

  • Always warm up the muscles by jogging at least 10 minutes before strecthing.
  • Do not bounce.
  • Stretch the muscles gradually.
  • Do not overstretch. Stop when you feel pain and discomfort.

Video – Dynamic Stretches For Runners

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Sources: Coolrunning, Runner’s World


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