Benefits of Steady State Cardio Workout for Runners

This is a guest post by a friend Allan Ray Enriquez, who is known as RFM in the running community. He shares with us why runners should do cross training. Read more of the Benefits of Steady State Cardio Workout for Runners:

While most of us runners are used to the traditional way of training, recent studies have shown that cross training is beneficial to running. Cross training would include swimming, hiking, biking or just walking to give variety to your usual training. To spice up cross training even more, there are more alternative workouts available in the metro that includes dancing, yoga, CrossFit, boxing and high intensity interval training (HIIT).

CrossFit For Runners

Cross training helps in running for several reasons:

(1) active recovery – the body is conditioned to recover faster from fatigue;

(2) gain running economy – maintaining the intensity of workout without having to cover long mileage (that most of working individuals could not afford); and

(3) renewed motivation – even for the passionate runner, doing the same routine in repetitive state can spell boredom and might burn you out; introducing variety can mean consistency in training and better performance.

Aerobic activities are the foundations of training programs. Running (speed training) and other anaerobic activities such as HIIT need aerobic activities to involve the whole body (while the latter concentrates individual muscle groups). Aerobic activities, such as steady state cardio workout, help in burning fats and carbohydrates while producing oxygen and high energy. It also can strengthen your heart and reduce your resting heart rate while producing red blood cells , thus producing oxygen for your body.

Cardio Combat Workout in Striking MNL Cardio Combat in StrikingMNL

Cardio Combat is the latest class offered by StrikingMNL, a medium intensity steady state (MISS) cardio workout that combines martial arts inspired movements with heart pumping music. It lasts for 55 minutes, currently designed with different levels of training. It specializes in hand and body coordination, core strengthening and conditioning, body toning and endurance training. Cardio Combat is the perfect compliment workout to Striking – combining CrossFit movements and MMA and body weight movement.

Cardio Combat is every 7pm, Monday to Thursday and Saturday at 12noon at StrikingMNL, CrossfitMNL Eastwood Box, 1/F One Orchard Road Condominium, Eastwood City. You may contact 09178890116 or visit their Facebook page: Striking MNL to know the other class schedules (Instagram: @strikingmnl).

About the Contributor

Allan Ray Enriquez is the writer behind, that’s why he is known as RFM in the running community. 


Cross Training | Four Keys To Cross-Training for Runners | Eight Benefits of Cross Training | The Best Cross Training for Runners | Six Ways CrossFit Can Benefit Runners | Steady State Cardio vs. High Intensity Interval Training