How To Improve Your Running Form [Infographic]

Running is a simple action of moving your feet one after the other. But making simple changes to improve your running form can help you lessen injuries and improve your race times.  There are several running coaches, running clinics and running seminars who would teach about running. Some of them may differ in the details but they usually agree on several points.

After reading some books about running from different decades, I found out how the “perfect” running form would change as sports science give better insights on how our bodies run.  I would expect that what we know about running form today would be different 5 to 10 years from now.

I believe in the saying that there is no perfect running form.  No one can dictate how everyone should run.  Even elite runners and world record holders run differently.  But for an average runner, following these tips to improve your running form can lessen injuries, aching muscles and even improve your efficiency to run longer and faster.

Below is an infographic on how to improve your running form.

Happy Running 😀

Courtesy of: Rock Creek Runner