Choosing a place to run

This is a guest post from Carlo aka hydraice.  Carlo is an IT Consultant and has a blog called Drum and Run.  As of this writing, Carlo considers himself as a newbie who has been running for less than a year.  In this post, Carlo answer the newbie question: ...

Beginners Guide to Your First Race

So the hardest part is finally over, you have overcome your share of challenges in training for your first race. You have trained hard and now you feel you are ready for your first marathon run. There’s a lot to know before heading for your first road race. It...

Barefoot Running Benefits Explained in Recent Breakthrough Research

There has been much debate on whether barefoot running is really beneficial to runners.  To those who strongly advocate it say that it is the natural form of running and it eliminates common injuries.  They are even blaming our running shoes for the injuries we get because these shoes...

Spyder Zero Product Review

This Spyder sports eyewear is definitely unique.  You can change its lenses and at the same time its frames while providing the same good quality at a reasonable price.  Spyder offers a products on sports eyewears, moto helmets and cycling helmets.  For runners, they have sports eyewear that fits...

Are you running safe? Take the Awareness Test

Safety is an important factor when running.  Whenever we run in the highway, we are very prone to a lot of dangers that can cost us our lives.  There are dogs who chases us.  Cars that can sweep us.  And even humans who harms us.  We have to pay...

Gearing up for First Time Runners

Thinking of what to wear for you runs is actually simple.  Even thought a lot of brands and gears are available in the market, the beauty of running is in its simplicity. There’s not much to buy since you may already own them. What I love about running is...

Product Review: Speedlaces iBungee

Last time, I featured Lock Laces which I bought during the Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon Expo.  Last Christmas, I received a set of ibungee Speed laces from Runnr. Speed Laces iBungee are elastic laces that turns your shoe into a slip-on and provides a secure and confortable fit.  It’s...

Cebu City Marathon Experience: My First of Many

I started running with the notion that a marathon is only for the very fit people.  It is only for the athletes who are built for this kind of sport.  It is not for everybody.  But after several months, I noticed how running was a sport for everybody.  But...

Cebu Marathon Experience: Cebu Ce-Boom

Maayong adlaw.  After 8 years I’m back in Cebu.  I was here after college to review for the ECE board exams.  The last time I was here was during the oathtaking in 2002.  Nindut gyud. I didn’t expect to be in the same flight with Coach Rio.  We arrived...

What makes a feel good race?

How do we evaluate if a race was good or not?  After every race, we read comments or blogs about how it was organized.  Positive comments, negative comments,  ratings of races and more.  I refrained from giving my own ratings already.  I’d rather talk about the race and the...